Friday, September 20, 2024

DNA methylation and Eternity

In Genesis 6:1-7, the preamble to the deluge and Noah’s Ark, we read of the elohim having children by the daughters of men, God reducing the lifespan of humans to 120 years, the Nephilim resulting from these mixed marriages, and the near-universality of evil in human hearts. Evil was universal except for Noah’s family. Implicitly these trends were time-synchronized and causally connected. Michael Heiser provided insight into the elohim having children by human women in The Unseen Realm.

The reduction of human lifespan is a topic of considerable interest, since aging is a biological reality.  Drs. Adam Sturm and Tiber Vellai have proposed that their research has identified the progressive accumulation of N6-methyladenine as an epigenetic mechanism in mitochondrial DNA that effectively sets a clock for lifespan. 

The factors that influence the methylation of genes include healthy or unhealthy lifestyles (e.g.,  diet and exercise, drug and alcohol use and abuse, smoking, BMI, etc.),  and environmental factors.  If this is indeed the mechanism that causes the effects of aging, it still leaves open the question of how God activated this in the human race. Various events are mentioned in the timeframe of Genesis 6 that may contribute.

      The contamination of the human genome with DNA from demons. (Genesis 6:4)

      Eating animals and everything else on earth. (Genesis 9:3)

      Normalization of excessive alcohol use (Genesis 9:20-21)

      Opening the floodgates of Heaven, removing a barrier to radiation from outer space damaging human genes.  (Genesis 7:11)

 The important thing is not the mechanisms God uses to limit human lifespan, but the human choice of continuous evil, intermixed with demonic fraternization. Although God promised Noah that He would never again destroy the world with a flood (Genesis 8:21), Jesus likened the time of the end to the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). The first three items above seem just as rampant today as in the antediluvian world. The exposure to man-made radiation instead of cosmic rays has become a routine medical procedure, as environmental radiation has been the norm since the days of Noah.

 In Psalm 90, Moses reflected on the shortness of life

Our days may come to seventy years,
or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.

If only we knew the power of your anger!
Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due.

Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:10-12)


He goes on to observe that we should take joy in God’s love and His deeds. In the context of a limited lifespan, having previously mentioned God’s judgment for sin, he is pleading for God’s mercy. And then he concludes with verse 17:

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
    yes, establish the work of our hands. (Psalm 90:17)

As Moses saw it, our perspective should be that we ask God, co-labor with God, to create a lasting legacy. Not just in our lifetimes, but for the generations to come.

Effort spent on epigenetic research and possible lifespan extensions miss the point. Eternity awaits us, in God’s presence, and our priorities should reflect this. Do our actions and priorities exhibit an outworking of the nature and character of Jesus in our life, or the working of God in our life to prepare us for heaven by building the character of Christ into us?

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Book Review: Over Ruled, by Neil Gorsuch and Janie Nitze

 Subtitle: The Human Toll of Too Much Law

Neil Gorsuch, associate justice of the Supreme Court for seven years, lays out a few key points:

      The explosive growth of laws and regulations purporting to govern every aspect of life in the United States over the last fifty years.

      The creation of a federal bureaucracy to write the regulations, enforce both law and regulation, and review any complaints or appeals.

o   The bypassing of the constitutional balance of powers that the founders intended to protect citizens from abuse of power, by the creation of this all-encompassing bureaucracy.

      Examples where the legitimate intent of laws and regulations has been ignored by civil servants (a.k.a. Masters) in applying them to circumstances far afield from their purpose, showing how ridiculous people in the bureaus and departments can control and destroy the lives of others through overreach.

      The loss of local and state authority due to federal sovereignty, including the loss of flexibility to tailor laws to unique local situations.

      Corporations’ use of legal compliance to shield themselves from responsibility.

      What happens when sovereign, unchecked authority goes off the rails (enforcing evil social or cultural norms, such as slavery). 

My impression from the examples presented by Justice Gorsuch is that they range from human sin to demonic evil, but book does not address the spiritual dimension of governmental overreach. The author does recall historical examples from other times and places in which governmental overreach did not end well (e.g., Nazi Germany). As is appropriate to a lawyer working within our legal system, he ends with a call to begin the political process of reducing the legal and regulatory burden on our citizens. He cites one noteworthy success, the deregulation of the airline industry in 1978.

The desire to control other people goes back to the creation of humankind, and derived directly from the fall. Whether it takes the form of  chattel slavery, or laws that go beyond the basics of right and wrong to prevent others from doing things we don’t like, the free will endowed by our creator is wrongfully abrogated. Satan desires to enslave humankind, the ultimate denial of free will. Justice Gorsuch elaborates how Satan’s human dupes are implementing his plan.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Can Jesus calm The perfect storm in our schools?

The conjunction of diabolical assaults on our children includes vices that are individually deadly. In a battle with assault from multiple attack axes, our students have only one place to turn.

      Drugs and alcohol have long been a threat to the physical and mental health of adolescents. These days, drugs are so pervasive and readily available that some school districts are allowing students to bring Naloxone to school.

      Sexual activity has long been part of the social scene. Despite the well-understood consequences of STD’s and unplanned pregnancy, teens have long since abandoned the traditional mores of reserving it for marriage. The new enemy assaults:

      “Gender dysphoria” is now used as a pretext for allowing teens to mutilate themselves before they are old enough to even understand what they are doing. And politicians and activists are quickly enshrining this as a legal right, that prevents parents from protecting their minor children.

      Social media creates a social environment far beyond immediate peers to put pressure on teens to do things, or feel depressingly failures if they don’t.

      Social media pressure goes far beyond the dating scene. Far beyond traditional peer pressure (talking to those nearby), in virtually every dimension of life, children, adolescents, young adults are made to feel they are failures if they don’t live out or live up to some influencer’s urging. So they either do stupid things (or worse), or feel depressed because they don’t, or set impossible goals that result in feeling like failures because they can’t achieve them.

 Where is Jesus? He is beside every person, calling each to Himself. Because what the world needs now is love, sweet love, it’s the only thing there’s just too little of.  Teens need real love.

 The nexus of the perfect storm is that Satan has a strategy to so overwhelm the rising generation that they cannot recognize and respond to the gospel when presented. Satan was actually defeated 2,000 years ago, and is fighting a rearguard action. The power of God, moving through the Holy Spirit, can overcome all of these attacks, the lies and temptations that Satan uses, through the blood of Jesus Christ and the invocation of His Name. The power of God can open the eyes of anyone whose heart is open, overcoming drug addiction, sexual perversion, and social media. When Peter saw Jesus walking on the water and asked to join Him, Jesus empowered Peter to walk on water. When he was out there and saw the wind and the waves, he started to sink and called on Jesus to save him. And Jesus did.  (Matthew 14:25-33) When people respond to Christ in faith, and then the storms of life frighten and seem overwhelming, He will save them when they call on Him. He is able.

 There is a glorious eternity awaiting anyone who will call on Jesus - a true Edenic paradise on a new earth, and a glorious celebration in heaven. No more pain. No more sickness. No more death. Eternal love. Jesus’ love is not waiting for that day, He is calling each person now to His loving embrace.