Saturday, December 5, 2020

COVID-19: A strategic counterstrike

Is COVID a strategic counter strike from China against the infection of the gospel spread by the West over two centuries ago? Not by the government of China, but the prince of China in the heavenlies (See Daniel 10:13 & 20). The human rulers of China are his puppets. The work done by the London Missionary Society and the likes of Hudson Taylor, Liddell Hart, and Watchman Née slowly undermined the kingdom of darkness that Satan had held the Chinese people in. The people welcomed the gospel. The demonic prince over China in heavenly places, who controls it, wants to destroy all things Western - economies, nations, peoples, societies - not just in revenge, but to regain and strengthen his control. In this war in heavenly places, he is following the strategy of taking the war to the enemy’s homeland.

How is the West doing in the battle against the diabolical princes over the U.S., Canada,  Western European nations, and cultural allies? Even apart from dealing with the effects of COVID, western civilization is sinking under assault from worldly forces such as pride, avarice wrath, lust, envy, gluttony, and sloth. Perhaps, in the conflict of eternity, Satan believes that the rigors of plague-driven hardships will be the final blow needed to destroy the last glimmer of Christian values in the West. He may be right. The Third Reich almost destroyed a culture sinking under the weight of self-centered debauchery. Almost, but not quite. The rigors of economic depression had steeled some in the West to fight naked evil to the death. 

In the sweep of history, European colonialism brought both good (evangelization) and bad (colonialism and economic exploitation) to the entire world. China and Japan fought back in the world’s dimensions, but the ultimate battle will be fought in heavenly realms. The victory will not be decided on physical capabilities (economic or military power) but spiritual character. Because, in the end, the world was created as God’s domain to test the hearts of humankind. The outcome of China’s prince’s strategic counterstrike will be decided based on our response to the invitation of Jesus to follow Him.

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