Friday, June 18, 2021

Driving through this Earthly Life

Rules of safe driving can set an example for how we should live.  Driving is much more intense than walking, both in the attention it requires  and the potential power wielded by the driver. So we have very strict rules for driving, both in law and in the “rules of the road”. Hence, it provides an amplified object lesson for life as it will be amplified in the hereafter.

The most important element of driving is to arrive at your destination safely.

Your number one priority in life must be to finish the race with faith in Christ. It is not to be rich, famous, or popular. When you reach the end of your life those things won’t matter. It can be tempting to put a spiritual disguise on success - to glorify God by ... but be very careful that He has called you to it. The temptations that go with success (mostly pride)  are a rocky sea coast on which the faith of many has shipwrecked.

Pay attention, don’t get distracted.

In your travel with Christ, don’t let worldly things, however exciting or attractive, distract you from paying attention to what He is saying and doing in your life. Even good things can be a distraction. When He blesses you with a gorgeous sunrise or scenic vista, accept it gratefully, but keep your eyes on the prize.

Never tailgate.

Don’t follow any individual human too closely.  Wise people can impart much wisdom, but ultimately all are human and may stumble. Maintain enough independence and distance so that God has space to warn you if someone wise is going astray.

Flow with traffic unless it’s unsafe.

Choose your friends and associates wisely. You can’t be a lone wolf. Be wary of those with worldly or self-centered agendas. It is often hard to discern wolves in sheep’s clothing. Pray for for enough discernment to recognize them.

Always use your turn signal for a few seconds before you turn or change lanes.

Don’t make your faith a complete secret from those around you. You don’t have to preach at them, just let them know when the Lord leads you to make a change. There is a fine line between a testimony and a self-centered, self-righteous declaration of what God is doing in your life.

Never react to a challenge from another driver.

When someone challenges your faith, be wary of engaging them. The devil has many evangelists. Shun them.

When you change lanes, line up with a gap in the target lane, match speeds, signal for a few seconds, then change lanes.

When you have found the people you think you can trust as fellow-travelers, cautiously try to engage. Choose wisely. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to a church and fellow believers that you will journey through life with.

As an obvious corollary, for everyone’s safety, when someone wants to merge in front of you, let them.

Make space in your group for others to join. There are many guidelines in the New Testament about fellowship, but welcome those who want to join you.

The bottom line on both driving and life should be obvious. Exhibit God’s character in every thought, word, and deed. Be Christ to those you encounter on the road of life.

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