Sunday, July 23, 2023

Book Review: The Reason For God, by Timothy Keller

Tim Keller did not stop with answering fundamental objections to Christianity and providing solid explanations of basic Christian beliefs and practices. In the end, he wove a narrative of the eternal dance of love and gives some real examples of changed hearts and what a decision for Christ looks like in practice. He had first-hand experience in New York City dealing with people of great intelligence dealing with honest questions and doubts, and with people whose lives were marred by tragedy, and doubted God’s goodness or His power.

Part I has seven chapters dealing with objections: Christianity’s claim of exclusivity; the problem of pain; legalism and genuine righteousness; wrongs committed in the name of Jesus; reconciling a God of love with a God of justice; apparent conflict between faith and science; and the challenge of Bible interpretation. Part 2 has seven chapters offering positive reasons to believe in Christ, and to trust Him, and to make a decision to identify with Him. 

The unusual part of this theological book on apologetics is the description of the divine dance (chapter 14). The Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - eternally live to love, glorify, and and give to and bless each other. Loving relationships are thus at the very heart of reality. “God did not create us to get the cosmic, infinite joy of mutual love and glorification, but to share it.” But we lost the dance, beginning with Adam and Eve. Jesus died on the cross to return us to that loving relationship with His unlimited love. What does it mean to rejoin God’s dance of love, to become God-centered rather than self-centered? We share the joy He has in serving others as we glorify Him by doing so, and therein  worship Him. We join with creation in singing the praise of His glory. We encourage others to join us in His dance. 

How many will be persuaded? Only God knows that, but every reader will end reading this book with far fewer excuses to reject Christ. In every sense, this tests our hearts - whether we will come to Him when our questions are answered, or reject Him on the fundamental personal level of not wanting to submit, of wanting our own way rather than His. 

Timothy Keller went to his eternal reward on May 19, 2023.

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