Friday, July 21, 2017

The cyber-battle of Jericho

News media obsession with cyber meddling in the last election focuses only on the tip of the iceberg. Beneath hacking into voter registration computers are enormous cyber warfare capabilities, likely in all major nations. Disruption by cyber-criminals, who steal credit card information to sell on the dark web, encrypt hard drives for ransom, or cause other disruptions to manipulate stock prices, is only a small sample of what international cyberwar might include.

Our economy’s complete dependence on the internet, coupled with these capabilities to bring it down, risks catastrophe. Firewalls and malware scans unable to keep out cyber-thieves and cyber-data-kidnappers will collapse under the assault of state-sponsored cyberattacks. The denizens of evil have some justification for their belief that they have the upper hand, or so it appears.

When Joshua and the Israelites marched around Jericho for seven days, most likely the residents had no idea what was going on. On the seventh day after seven loops around the city, the Israelites blew their trumpets and the walls fell down. (Joshua 6:20-21) The residents of Jericho were killed (except for Rahab and her family), which probably was not what they expected. And so, when the walls of western civilization are destroyed, whether by cyber-warfare or moral collapse (whatever tools the devil plans to destroy humankind with), the kingdom that God is building in plain sight, unseen by the world, will stand. (Hebrews 12:27)

This kingdom that Christians pray frequently to come is characterized by God's love and operates according to His ways. This includes doing His will on earth, His daily provision, forgiveness by Him and by His people of each other, choices to steer clear of temptation, and His deliverance from evil. (Matthew 6:9-13) Since the Internet aggressively counters all of these values and practices, the coming cyberwar will be God's instrument to destroy it. Western "civilization" may be collateral damage, when that which can be shaken is removed and that which cannot be shaken remains.

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