Governments believe they can bring a return to Eden by controlling their citizens or by implementing massive programs of jobs, education, healthcare, public assistance, and so forth. Anti-government militias and non-state actors believe they can bring heaven on earth by destroying existing governments by violence so that they can implement their own programs, typically a rules-based order for society, with their version of the rules.
Jesus laughs (Psalm 2:4). God’s planned for each person individually walk with Him (Jesus) in the garden in the cool of the morning. But since we all have ingrained sin, we need the chemotherapy of Jesus’ blood to cleanse us so that we can walk with Him. Jesus laughs over the ridiculous idea that governments or any human organization, by force or law, can bring paradise on earth.
Cancer might be an apt metaphor for government, but better pictures sin. What is the fundamental difference between cancer and healthy growth and development?
- Healthy cells reproduce to replace cells that are aged, damaged or destroyed. Cancer cells reproduce unchecked, having lost mechanisms to monitor and control reproduction.
- Healthy cells communicate with other cells chemically. Cancer cells do not respond to signals from other cells, hence their uncontrolled reproduction.
- Healthy cells adhere to neighboring cells; cancer cells do not.
- Healthy cells specialize to perform specific functions within the body. Cancer cells are unspecialized and do nothing useful.
- Healthy cells self-destruct when they are damaged or diseased. Cancer cells do not.
All of these attributes might make cancer cells sound royal, powerful or immortal. Actually they reveal that life without context, relationship, purpose, and self-control becomes ultimately destructive of those nearby and of self. When cancer has its way, its victim dies.
Medical science treats cancer with a combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Surgery removes macroscopic accumulations of cancer cells, and tissue that is infested. Radiation kills all cells within its beam focus without regard to health. Chemotherapy attempts to target cancer cells specifically.
How can God treat our sin? If it is big enough, its consequences will be self-destruction, but may also result in the destruction of the sinner. Sadly this is all-too-common in those who have rejected God’s pleading. Radical surgery can potentially remove the offensive growth but carries life consequences - similar to a missing limb or organ. It is the blood of Jesus, applied to our life, that has the capability to target sin at a microscopic level and distinguish healthy thoughts, words, and deeds from sinful ones. But … a big but … the predilection of our heart for right or wrong will determine the efficacy of the treatment. If we continue to infect new thoughts, words, and deeds with sin, the treatment fails, leading ultimately to more extreme measures.
God conditions the idyllic life of Eden or heaven on believing His words so that we can fellowship with Him. Genesis 3 is unambiguous. Since all have sinned in the likeness of Adam’s offense, the only remedy is Jesus’ blood. No government can control the behavior of its citizens, and only deters defined crimes like murder, assault, theft, rape and so on. Courts can neither know nor change the heart of offender, and struggle even to establish the facts about actions. Only the promise of the return of Christ to establish His kingdom will bring justice and peace on earth. His blood is the prerequisite to continuous fellowship with Him, the elimination of sin in our lives.
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