Originally published in 1972, Don Basham’s book, Deliver Us From Evil, starts with an autobiographical storyline of how the Lord led him into a ministry of deliverance. This book does not deal with evil on a national or global scale - Nazi Germany, or gang warfare in 4th world countries. The author tells of his experiences ministering to people dealing with personal evil. One hears about such individuals all too frequently in today’s headlines of mass shootings. But this book deals with the spiritual evil that simply messes up individual people’s lives.
Don Basham was part of the Charismatic Renewal that exploded in the 1960’s as God began to pour out the Holy Spirit on those in many different churches who were open to Him. The author was not the first to have a ministry that included deliverance, as he frequently acknowledges. He relates his story in an accessible, matter-of-fact narrative. Demons are real and they mess up lives, so much that Jesus devoted a quarter of His ministry on earth to dealing with them. They are still around, despite having been defeated by Jesus 2,000 years ago. The first half of the book relates stories of the author learning to take this victory to the lives of those who are so afflicted and seeking release.
The last half of the book expounds the principles of the ministry, dealing with the basic questions such as:
- How to discern whether a particular issue is just human depravity (sin) or supernatural (demonic) oppression.
- The steps to perform deliverance, for another person or for one’s self.
- How to keep the victory once gained over demonic attack.
The key point in all this is that Jesus has won the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil 2,000 years ago, but we need to receive it from Him. There is a war going on that will not end until the return of Christ. If it seems that the evening news shows a broad offensive by evil against human civilization and society, then we need to go to boot camp so that we can be effective soldiers in this fight. Spiritual warfare is fought on all levels and we must engage the enemy when we encounter him. The authority of Jesus Christ, invoked by His name and the Word of God spoken by those who know and trust Him, is our weapon, and we must learn to use it. The need for the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-17 ) become obvious necessities once we recognize the realities of the war in heavenly realms that we are in. Bringing Christ into every situation will subdue evil far more effectively than government initiatives, however well-intentioned they may be, because Jesus will intervene to defeat the root cause of evil.
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