Benjamin Netanyahu rightfully labels the Hamas assault on Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023 as evil. Unfortunately, in the attack on the relief convoy on April 1, 2024 the IDF has fallen for the demonic temptation to imitate the level of depravity that they experienced. As a military tactic to deter other aid workers from helping the Palestinian civilians who are on the verge of starvation, it may succeed. But although Gaza civilians might disown Hamas to get food, they will more likely hate Israel even more for stooping to such depths of immorality.
Hamas comes from the Islamic
perspective under which the Islamic empire was first established, that violence
in defense of, or to advance the faith is justified. That goes back to the
sixth century after Christ. The crusades of the tenth and eleventh centuries
shared the same perspective, that victory in battle would demonstrate who had
the true understanding of God. Hamas apparently sees kidnapping and murder of
civilians, and using the cover of aid workers to conceal their whereabouts and
activities, or as human shields as just part of war.
It appears that Israel has a
perspective from the reign of King David, approximately one thousand years
before Christ, seeing the Palestinians as indistinguishable from the
Philistines of three thousand years ago. In this paradigm, military force was
used by David to complete the charge given to Joshua to purge the land of pagan
The modern world’s perspective is of
two ethnic groups fighting for the same land, with varying degrees of ethical
and moral constraints, or lack thereof. Why can’t they get along, find a
compromise they can live with? In fighting a war, the Geneva convention is
cited, but ignored when military necessity dictates.
Jesus’ perspective was articulated in
the Sermon on the Mount. To say that His view has been rejected by the world is
to implicitly admit that both Israel and Hamas have the world’s perspective
thoroughly embedded in theirs. How does Jesus view this situation in the
present? Most likely, He grieves that people on all sides of the conflict use
His revelation and twist it to justify worldly and depraved actions, distorting
His Word to advance their own self interest instead of building His kingdom.
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